Safari Packs

Safari (Swahili for journey) packs are take-home chai kits made by the team at Ambi's Chai. We put all the sugar, tea, and masalas for your favourite chai in small ready-to-make packs.

Safari Pack Brewing

If you have purchased our new safari pack chai masala then you will need to follow the instructions below:

  • Depending on which flavour safari pack you purchased, the following are the measurements recommended by me:

    • Ambi’s - 2 x 15ml tablespoons and 1 x 5ml teaspoon

    • Brooksy’s - 2 x 20ml tablespoons

    • Ashlee’s - 3 x 15ml tablespoons

    • Khushy’s - 2 x 20ml tablespoons.

  • Add a minimum of 250mL of water in a suitable pot.

  • Bring to boil, stirring till the masala has mixed in well and is well brewed.

  • Add approximately 250mL (or less depending on strength etc..) of full cream milk - (you can also use plant based milk, just know this that the taste is always altered when using such milks - if anything, I recommend barista quality Oat milk.
    (Almond and Soy milk tends to not cook too well and adds it’s own flavour)

  • Bring the chai to boil again (careful with plant based milk as it may not cook the best)

  • Brew until desired strength and creaminess is reached.

  • Sieve and serve - hot!!
    And of course, savour the moment!

    ~ Ambi

    Ps: recommended milks: Dairy Farmers and unsweetened barista oat milk.